Member News
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We advise a copy length of between 500 and 800 words, and image size of 1920 x 1800 pixels.
Guernsey Electricity has conducted its first ever virtual testing of newly manufactured switchgear and in doing so, overcome the current [...]
The Mainstreaming Of Sustainable Finance: A New Horizon Of Investment Opportunity The first fringe event of Guernsey’s Sustainable Finance Week [...]
Thankfully due to great leadership (thanks Dr Brink) we can now all look forward to making the most of the [...]
In these unprecedented times it is a challenge to stay connected with clients and colleagues. The need for professional corporate [...]
Deloitte Webinars to Explore Digital Transformation As the Channel Islands start to look ahead to economic recovery from the Covid-19 [...]
We may be in lockdown but that hasn't stopped us expanding our range of AV kit. Top of the line [...]
Clarity is key when you are communicating a message to both clients and staff. Some information can be delivered using [...]
The International Stock Exchange (TISE) has become home to the first fund established in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) [...]
Guernsey Community Foundation has appointed Joni Nettleship as its first dedicated third sector liaison officer. Joni is responsible for organising [...]
The Guernsey Mind team has adapted its services so that we can help us all reconnect and support each other’s [...]
Don’t leave your clients or customers in the dark during the Coronavirus pandemic. Now is the time to be utilising [...]
Working from home. It has been an interesting couple of weeks for all of us at DLM as we have [...]
We have been working closely with First Payment Merchant Services to bring an Online web solution to Guernsey that can [...]
NOTES FROM HOME - 1/12 THE NEW POST-COVID NORMAL After finishing my series of 12 articles and anecdotes “Notes from [...]
Consultants, Agents and Introducers JLR PRIVEE An international membership only club that provides business introductions (both virtual and in person), [...]
The Guernsey Community Foundation is preparing to launch the island’s first Charities Support Centre, that will offer practical advice and [...]
Deloitte’s European Centre for Regulatory Strategy’s (ECRS) 2020 Financial Markets Regulatory Outlook identifies a number of themes that are particularly [...]