States Media Release

Date: 3 February 2021

Support recovery clause will not apply for January and February

The Policy & Resources Committee have today agreed that the support recovery clause will not apply for January and February payroll co-funding applications to allow further discussion and consultation to take place.

The Committee have made this decision following discussions with industry and having considered the rapidly evolving situation of the pandemic. The Committee have kept all business support measures under review since they were reintroduced and will continue to do so. The support recovery clause will be reviewed towards the end of February.

Deputy Mark Helyar, Treasury lead for the Policy & Resources Committee said:

“With the intention for this to be a shorter lockdown than last year, it is anticipated that businesses will be reliant on support for a shorter period than before. With this in mind, we have made a decision to indicate now that there will be no support recovery for legitimate claims within the first period of lockdown up to the end of February. The decision has been made urgently in order to avoid, in particular, large scale redundancies which could hamper the ability of some sectors to recommence trading quickly. This demonstrates that we are listening and communicating actively with industry across a broad range of sectors and have taken on board the urgent need for more clarity. We must continue to ensure that we balance carefully the protection of public funds against the needs of industry to bounce back out of lockdown as in 2020.”

Business support applications can now be submitted for the period from 23rd January to 31st January by going to