Income Tax are issuing their estimates of your 2020 income. This is system generated based on history and no account of COVID19 will be considered.

Please REVIEW the assessment and consider if you need to APPEAL.

You have 30 days to submit an appeal using either via online form here https://gov.gg/revenue-service/request-suspension-of-tax(preferred approach)
or using this simple form http://ow.ly/djz750zXyFN (old paper approach)

Form guidance:
1. Year of charge = 2020 as per estimate received
2. Tax charged = as per your tax assessment
3. Tax due = your revised estimate of what you believe you owe for the year, be realistic and see notes on the form re risk of surcharges if not
4. Reason = Covid19 impact on the business

You will need to pay 50% of your estimate by 30 June 2020.
