This has been sent by the Planning Service to its Plan Review database to provide an update on progress with the implementation of the Island Development Plan.
Two Draft Development Frameworks have been prepared by the Planning Service for potential residential developments on land at La Vigne, off Guelles Road, St Peter Port, and to the east of Le Four Banal and adjacent properties on Route Militaire, St Sampson.
The Draft Development Frameworks have been prepared to provide planning guidance on how these two sites might be developed.
The purpose of a Development Framework is to provide broad, comprehensive and practical guidance on how policies in the Island Development Plan will be applied to a site and considers appraisal of the wider area and site.
The La Vigne site covers an area of approximately 0.98 hectares (6 vergeés) and is located to the west of Guelles Road. Part of this site is designated as Important Open Land, which prevents most forms of development, including new housing, and the potential developable area is therefore limited to approximately 0.38 hectares. Based on a density of between 15-20 dwellings per hectare this could yield 6-8 dwellings. However, this density and yield are indicative. The site may be able to yield more, or less dwellings, subject to meeting all the relevant development and design guidelines.
The Le Four Banal site covers an area of approximately 0.95 hectares (5.79 vergees). The site is located within the St Sampsons (The Bridge) Main Centre Outer Area as designated in the Island Development Plan. It is anticipated that this site would be able to accommodate a density range of 25 – 35 dwellings per hectare, which is approximately 25 – 35 dwellings on this site. The actual number may however be higher or lower subject to the detailed design of the proposal.The Development & Planning Authority is now inviting comments on the Draft Development Framework documents by e-mail at or in writing to the Authority over the next four weeks until the 21st August 2019. Following consultation, the comments received together with the documents will then be considered by the Development & Planning Authority. If approved by the Authority, the Development Frameworks will become Supplementary Planning Guidance and will be taken into account when considering development proposals for these sites.The Draft Development Frameworks can be accessed via the States of Guernsey website at or copies of the Draft Development Frameworks are available to view at the Planning Service Reception at Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port.All responses and comments should be received by 5pm on Wednesday 21st August 2019, so that they may be included in the report to the Development & Planning Authority together with any representations received.