- Consider every £1 you spend is a vote, for the system, product and supply chain you want to see, look beneath the surface and vote wisely.
- Step by step change, cliff edge change isn’t easy to implement or stick to. Small changes, applied frequently and consistently, can make a big difference over a short amount of time.
- Be curious, ask questions of food providers to learn more, understand the system more, and encourage them to learn more as well.
- Break the silence, ask for the products and services you want, commercial organisations won’t always lead if the customer isn’t asking for anything different.
- Reach out for support, the sustainability community is a very supportive and sharing one, either use local resources, even ask competitors what has worked (and what hasn’t)
- Get everyone on board, ideas can come from your diverse employee and customer base. Young and old, different backgrounds, etc will have something to add.
- Consider your language, avoid “othering” vegans with Vegan and Normal menus. Flexitarians are on the rise so will want to see your vegan and vegetarian options.
- Support education, particularly in schools, get inspired by the work the Health Improvement Commission has done, offer support to your child’s school, sponsor school-based food system projects.
- See this as an opportunity, this opens up the door to new products, new customers, a new appreciation for and improvement in the wellness of your staff and family and self.
- Choose a framework to set a baseline and then to help you measure your progress.