Chamber has received strong positive feedback from the audience after the the presentation from Louise Misselke and Julian Winser on skills and the Guernsey Institute at this weeks Chamber Lunch. Andrew Essa presented his data on the impact and implications of COVID-19 on business (this presentation can be found at the foot of this news item). Below is an additional comment from Education Minister Matt Fallaize who is keen to drive forward the project.
“The three organisations which we have brought together to create The Guernsey Institute will be stronger together than they could be apart. I think this is recognised across most of industry and commerce and we are grateful to the business community for their support of this important project.
“Our Committee has already secured States’ approval for the capital development of The Guernsey Institute at Les Ozouets. This doesn’t need to go back to the States unless a future Committee tries to change direction. The capital development will allow the previously separate providers to be fully merged, substantially reduce annual property costs and finally provide College of FE students and lecturers with the modern facilities they deserve and need instead of splitting them between wholly inadequate buildings across three sites.
“We are pressing for the development of The Guernsey Institute, including the capital project, to be accelerated as part of the Revive and Thrive strategy. We just need to get on with it, making sure momentum in the transition from one States’ term to the new States’ term.”
– M J Fallaize, People’s Deputy – Vale, President – Committee for Education, Sport & Culture
Please see below for the presentation by Andrew Essa from ROCKET + COMMERCE, presented at Chambers August Monthly Lunch.
CLICK THE LINK TO VIEW THE PRESENTATION –> Andrew Essa Talk OGH Chamber 24th Aug 2020