The 2022 Lunch and Learn series contains a huge range of business support, insight and community advice thanks to our sponsors BWCI who are supporting our first quarter five-part event programme.

Chamber is delighted to be partnering with this respected brand and to be able to bring you sessions on Health and Wellbeing (how to help a work colleague if they collapse), plus a get-together with delicious recipes for plant based food, advice on pensions, the benefits of cycling and a detailed presentation on business life in the new normal.

All of the details can be found on Eventbrite, with the first session being held on Thursday 10th February. The Lunch and Learn series is held at Chamber’s Business Development Centre in the Markets Inner Street and the events are FREE for members with a nominal charge for non-members. They all include a healthy lunch and refreshments.

Please click “follow Chamber” on Eventbrite or subscribe or our regular newsletters to keep up to date. Simply email to be added.