More detail at lunchtime but this guidance will be in place:
- Preparing and serving food and/or drinks
Restaurants, hotels, pubs serving plated food, coastal kiosks and other food outlets may open to the public from 00:01 on 30th May 2020, subject to meeting the following four criteria:
1) The establishment must only operate a table service. Customers are not permitted to approach the bar;
2) At least 1 metre social distance is required between tables (indoor and outdoor) and if possible aim for 1 metre between people sitting at a table;
3) A record must be kept of the contact details for all customers, together with a record of their table number and location on the premises.
4) Access to appropriate hand washing and/or hand sanitising facilities is required, with toilet facilities being cleaned on a regular basis in accordance with Public Health standards (see cleaning guidelines in Section B).
In addition, licensed premises are required to operate restricted opening hours. Licensed premises must not be open to the public later than 11:30pm. No other opening restrictions are proposed.
Furthermore, bars and pubs not serving plated food will be permitted to open from 00:01 on Monday 1stJune 2020, subject to meeting the four criteria above and operating the same restricted hours for licensed premises indicated above. Nightclubs will not be permitted to open during Phase 4.
Please note that any establishment serving food and/or drink can only open to the public in accordance with the four criteria above, and restricted hours in the case of licensed premises. They cannot open to the public if they do not meet these criteria, including keeping records of all customers.
Restrictions on the numbers in any premises (of customers and staff) may be necessary to comply with the reduced social distancing of 1 metre. The establishment cannot host individual groups of more than 30 people, in line with the general limits relating to social gatherings, but may host multiple groups of up to 30 people per group, provided that social distancing can be maintained on the premises.
Further operational guidance for premises serving food and drink is as follows:
- Al fresco dining is encouraged where possible;
- Food designed for sharing (such as sharing platters, fondue or buffet style dining) must not be available;
- Menus must be single use or wiped with an appropriate cleaning solution between uses;
- Tables must be cleaned thoroughly between each cover during service.
In the kitchen, strict hygiene measures must be followed and social distance of 1 metre should be maintained, unless where physical contact is required to undertake a specific activity. Businesses should allow kitchen access to as few people as possible and minimise contact between kitchen staff and front of house workers and delivery drivers.
Spot checks will be carried out to ensure that establishments are complying with these criteria. In the event of non-compliance, legal action may be taken to close the premises.