Please find below the agenda and proxy voting form for the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce 2021 Annual General Meeting. This will be held at Chamber’s Registered Office; Guernsey Chamber of Commerce, Business Development Centre, Markets Inner Street, St Peter Port, GY1 1HE on Thursday 24th June 2021 at 4:30pm.

If you are a Guernsey Chamber of Commerce member and are unable to attend the AGM we invite you to fill out a proxy vote form and return to the Chamber office or send via email to by the date and time stated on the form.

GCC 24th June 2021 AGM Agenda



Spotlight Report for Guernsey Chamber of Commerce – 31 May 2021

Please see below for the post meeting pack from the 2020 GCC AGM including the meeting minutes for sign off at the 2021 AGM.

GCC 2020 AGM Minutes

GCC 2020 AGM Barrie Baxter Statement

GCC AGM 2020 Director’s Report

To assist with the provision of seating numbers please RSVP or send apologies by email to

With best regards,

Guernsey Chamber of Commerce Executive Board