Guernsey Construction Industry Forum and Chamber of Commerce Construction Group are holding two events on Thursday 16th January at Chamber HQ.
3:30pm: Launch of the new Free Minor works Contract and special press event. Drinks and nibbles provided.
4:30pm: Help Shape the future of Construction. In this 1.5 Hour session there will be an interactive review of the Industry carried out with engagement from attendees welcomed. The intention is this event and the views recorded will form part of a strategic review document to be published by the group’s executive early in Spring 2020.
Please RSVP to either or both events by sending an e mail to stating which you wish to attend.
Please see below for more detailed information:
Guernsey Construction Industry Forum to launch new industry contract:
Thursday 16 January at 3.30pm
The Guernsey Construction Industry Forum (CIF), in conjunction with the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce, is launching a new minor works contract specifically designed for use by the industry in the island.
The initiative has been developed in response to demand from clients of the construction industry for a locally-focused contract that will enable the responsibilities and expectations for projects to be clearly set out from the start.
The new contract is designed to cover minor to medium sized works and will be suitable for many types of project, from extensions to patios and electrical works to plumbing.
The contract has been developed alongside local law firm Ferbrache & Farrell, with input from Trading Standards, other legal practices and industry representatives, ensuring it is not only legally robust but accessible and useful for those it is designed to help. As part of that aim the contract has been written in plain English, as has the comprehensive set of guidance notes that accompany it.
Chair of the Chamber Construction Industry Group, Tim Guilbert, said: “Developing the contract has been a priority for us and has taken a couple of years to complete, as we were very aware that there was a real need for it in the island. We hope that the contract will not only offer protection to both clients and contractors, but will help avoid disputes in the future as both parties will be clear on their responsibilities and objectives from the start of a project.
“We have done our utmost to ensure that the contract is suitable for all areas of the industry and feel that this is a really positive step for everyone involved in the construction sector, whether as a client or contractor.”
The contract and guidance notes will be provided free of charge and will be available to download from the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce and CIF websites.
CIF will be launching the new contract at an event at the Guernsey Chamber of Commerce HQ in Market Buildings on Thursday 16 January at 3.30pm, which members of the media are invited to attend. A brief presentation will be given regarding the content and aims of the new contract, followed by a question and answer session. Tim Guilbert will be in attendance, alongside representatives from Trading Standards and Ferbrache & Farrell, and individual interviews will be available on request.
Following the contract launch, Chamber’s Construction Industry Group will be hosting a private event with a wide range of invited representatives from across differing industries and organisations to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the construction sector and consider views of the future. The results of this discussion will be analysed and further information will be released to the media in the form of a strategic document in due course.
Guernsey Construction Industry Forum and Chamber of Commerce Construction Group Help shape our Future!:
Thursday 16 January at 4.30pm
In this 1.5 Hour session we will be carrying out an interactive review of the industry with opportunity and engagement with all that attend. The format will include a section for personal input and individual or group representation leading into a moderated discussion looking at opportunities and objectives for the industry going forward.
The intention is this event and the views recorded will form part of a strategic review document to be published by the group’s executive early in Spring 2020.
The Property and Construction sectors should not be viewed as economic followers but be considered principal economic development tools, yet as an industry, it would appear, we have no collective strategy or even appreciation of the perception of our industry. As we embark on a new era of collaboration it is critical, we collect and consider, develop and augment a coherent strategy for our industry that allows us to be prepared for and meet the needs of Guernsey PLC both today and in the future.
We very much welcome and encourage your involvement and engagement with these series of strategic sessions going forward.