In order to understand how the community are feeling and what challenges you are facing, a community monitoring tool has been set up. This has now had over 5,300 participants. If you would like to sign up, you can do so at any time by filling out this voluntary form.The information collated will be used to match the needs of the community with coronavirus related services and support.

It was launched on 27th March to help gauge how the community was feeling and the challenges being faced as the days in lockdown progressed. It has now moved into a second phase, with the aim of understanding the prevalence of coronavirus-like symptoms in the community as we make a phased exit from lockdown.

Those that have finished their 14 consecutive days of providing updates on how they are feeling and those that signed up after 12th April will receive a weekly email prompting them to complete a voluntary form. The weekly form (as well as giving the opportunity to request information or support as before) asks participants to self-monitor for the following symptoms:

  • Muscle ache (fatigue, exhaustion)
  • Headache (sinus pain, pain around eyes)
  • Loss of smell/taste
  • Sore throat
  • Fever (high temperature, rigors, chills, can’t get warm)
  • Shortness of breath, chest tightness
  • Continuous new cough

Information from the second phase of monitoring will begin to be added to this page next week.91% of respondents said they did not need any further information or support at present, but 9% of participants requested further support or information. The most frequently identified topics that respondents identified that they wanted more support or information on (noting that respondents could select multiple topics) were as follows:

91% of respondents said they did not need any further information or support at present, but 9% of participants requested further support or information. The topics identified by that group were as follows and we are using this information and all the comments provided to improve this website and other support services on offer.

Community Monitoring Tool bar chart

Analysis has shown that there was little difference in the portion of respondents seeking more support based on whether they were social distancing, shielding or self-isolating; 8%, 10% and 12% respectively. However, there were differences across other categorisations.

A higher proportion of respondents aged under 65 requested more support or information than those aged 65 or over; 11% compared with 2% respectively.

A higher proportion of self-employed respondents requested more support or information than employed people; 30% compared with 8% respectively. 5% of the unemployed respondents requested support or information. 4% of the non-employed and those in education requested support or information.

Community tool graph

Of those that are employed, nearly 80% said that they were able to continue working fully or partially, with 20% being unable to work at all. However, of those that are self-employed 57% said they were unable to work at all at the point of registration. Changes in these figures will be monitored as the phased exit from lockdown progresses.

Community Monitoring Tool bar chart

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