Skipton International, the award-winning Guernsey registered bank and mortgage provider, has announced a raft of new appointments at its Head Office in Tudor House, Le Bordage, St Peter Port.

The firm is expanding, with a doubling of staff numbers over the past ten years.
The Covid pandemic meant that, unusually, a number of the new joiners had their interviews conducted online, via Zoom, from the comfort of their own homes. The popular video technology ensured thorough interviews were carried out while maintaining a safe social distance.

The new joiners are:
Lynsey Elliott and Sarah Looijenga, Mortgage Administrators; Adam Gomes-Stone, Compliance Officer; Sam Le Ray and Harry Arthur, Customer Service Advisors; Dani Barnett, Commercial Associate; and Julie Todd, PR Manager.

Julie said: “Skipton has an enviable reputation locally as a great place to work. I have always admired its commitment to the local community with the Swimarathon sponsorship and other community projects, and am delighted to join at a time of real expansion and growth.”

Jim Coupe, Managing Director commented:
“Interviewing new staff via Zoom was an interesting experience for us all, but proved invaluable in enabling us to recruit during lockdown.
“We value ambition, capability and commitment and we are extremely proud to welcome the new joiners to the Skipton family.”

Photograph (L to R)
Standing: Harry Arthur, Julie Todd, Sarah Looijenga, Adam Gomes-Stone
Seated: Lynsey Elliott, Dani Barnett. Sam le Ray was unavailable for the photograph.