If you are looking to support the environment in 2023, local charity, The Clean Earth Trust (CH592), has a number of options for businesses to get involved through teambuilding, volunteering, and financial support.
New for 2023 is our corporate Repair Café, which gives businesses the opportunity to get their staff involved. Through our Corporate Repair Workshop, we offer skilled seamstresses, to help and guide in the repair of broken or worn-out textiles. Our team will be able to offer guidance, advice or practical help to give. For details, Contact Emily at repaircafe@cleanearthtrust.org.
We are also still offering corporate Beach Cleans. Group clean-ups are a great opportunity for team building, supporting your CSR / ESG objectives and give back to your community. Clean-ups last between 2-3 hours and involve surveying what is collected. Donations go directly towards the ongoing operations and growth of The Clean Earth Trust. If you are interested, get in touch with Olivia at olivia.bennett@cleanearthtrust.org
In addition, we have a menu of options for those wishing to provide financial support, which is so critical to keeping our core operations going. Get in touch via hello@cleanearthtrust.org
Finally, if you wish to support our single use plastics campaign, you could start by signing the petition which can be found at: https://www.change.org/bansingleusegsy
For more information on all Corporate Programmes, please visit: https://www.cleanearthtrust.org/corporate-programme